Fastest GTM Sprint

We can support your impactful growth with an 8-week custom made Remode go-to-market sprint.

This is the quickest way to learn if your product answers market needs while substantially lowering your risks of market entry.

  • Lower your go to market risk

  • Learn fast & don’t overload your staff

  • Accelerate your go to market implementation

The first step of a successful market entry is to understand how well your current offering answers the local market needs. Your GTM decision and strategy must be based on validated data. The faster and cheaper you learn this, the more successful you will be.

Expected results

Depending on your current business model and existing go to market strategy you can expect to 

  • Find first potential partners to join your network in the African market

  • Validate local customer needs

  • Get validated market data to figure out the effort needed to reach problem solution fit

Being present in the market…

…Is the only way to go. Our knowledgeable and networked local Remode staff and partners, combined with Remode’s sales and marketing expertise, accelerates your go to market strategy implementation.

After the GTM sprint?

You will be ready to make an educated decision about entering the market in question. 



5ive Africa

Noah’s Ark Communication


Committed Collective

Interested to hear more about how Remode Fastest GTM Sprint can help your business? Get in touch here.

Not what you were looking for? Check our past projects or ongoing Open Calls!



You can also get in touch directlty and let us know what your go-to-market needs are: here.