
Events, whether face to face, online or hybrid are a really efficient and positive way to get together with potential partners, clients and experts to make your road to an impactful market entry more successful.

Remode can organize and event for you: a workshop, a round table or a full scale industry meeting. Let your company or organization become a leader in the shared prosperity path. We are proud to have partners who can assist in the production, communication and efficient follow up involved in any well thought event.

Remode can also participate in your event: let our experienced founders or selected key advisors, team members and partners take the stage and pave the way to a better understanding of what a long lasting positive market entry means.

Our founders, Oki Tåg and Pierre Jallow have been invited to join debates, panel discussions or hold their own keynote in several cases in the past.

Would you like us to organize or participate in your event? Contact us.

Upcoming Events

Follow the links to learn more about upcoming events:

Remode Events:

Stay tuned: more events coming soon…!

Featuring Oki

Midnight Shine - Keynote speaker
How to get the most out of business speed dating
02.06.2022 - Oulu
Link to the event:

4UNI - Pitching workshop facilitator
07.06.2022 - Online

LevelUp Accelerator - Keynote speaker
10.06.2022 - Turku

Past Events

Follow the links to read more about past events:

Remode Event:

Lean In: Lean more from the Remode Project page.
The Committed Collective Launch: eventbrite link; Remode news link and after launch news.

Featuring Oki:

How to Make a Great Sales Pitch
How to build your sales processes in a way that they are a meaningful part of your entrepreneurial journey
05.05.22 - Helsinki Education Hub
Link to the event’s page:

HELSEED workshop: Testing and piloting your idea
How to pilot and test your business idea, and why it matters
05.05.22 - Online (Zoom)
Link to the event’s page:

Å Pitch (Pitch jury member)
The first Nordic pitching event under the slogan ‘do good, do business’.
24.05.22 - Turku
Link to event’s page: